Friday, July 1, 2011

New and Improved!

Welcome to our freshly updated Better Halves website! We're gearing up for our new first years to come, and looking forward to inviting the other-halves of Wake's PA and PhD students, too, so we thought it was time for an upgrade and something a little more interactive!

We've updated our members (don't forget to send in your new pictures & bios!), added some new photos (please send more over if you have them) and a list of people's favorite things to do in Winston, which we can update. We're planning a regularly updated calendar in addition to our evites, just in case your email eats one!

We'll also be inviting everyone to contribute to our Better Halves blog, where we can share new BH ideas, community events, sales, freebies, crafts, recipes, and anything else we are passionate about.

Along with our new online-face, the Better Halves are getting geared up behind the scenes, too! Your new BH co-chairs (Christie, Jamie, and Madeline, all spouses of the class of 2013) are planning to make this year better than ever. We hope you'll help us out by getting involved and having LOTS of fun. :)

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