Thursday, July 3, 2014

Upcoming Events! details

Hello everyone, here is a break down of some upcoming events.  If you have any questions please email or message us on facebook!

***For the month of July:

July 5th (this Sat!) we are having a craft night at Karens apartment!  It will start at 5pm.  Some people are meeting at the fabric store at 2pm.  It will be a little get together to make crafty things, sew pillow, etc. We will also be making some pizza! Please email wakemedbetterhalves for directions.

I am thinking about doing another event a little later in July, will post back with more details once I figure it out :)

***For the month of August:

So far we have figured out the events for orientation week. (Members of Better Halves- it is really important that you attend as much as you can this week to reach out to the first years coming in) 

Aug 5th: Dessert night @ 7:30pm.  It will be held at Karens apartment, an email evite will go out soon with the address.  First years coming in- there is no need to bring a dessert- all previous members will take care of the yummy foods!

Aug 7th: Casual walk around Salem Lake @ 9:30am.  We will meet there and take a nice walk around the lake.  This will be a causal laid back walk, its a long track so we probably will not go all the way around. This is a family event, children are welcome to come! 

Aug 8th: Orientation fair!!!! The orientation fair is from 1-3pm.  We will have a booth set up with some desserts. 

Aug 8th: Family Cook out.  After the orientation fair we will do a cook out for all medical students (all years) and thier family. First years- again no need to bring anything. 2nd-4th years- we will take care of the foods and drinks.  I will send out an evite with details (2nd-4th years when you rsvp on the evite leave a comment with what food and/or drink you are planning on bringing)  It will start at 4pm and last till whenever :)

Hope to see you at some of these events! 

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